Seasonal weather and Emotions!

thumb_img_0802_1024Can weather  affects your emotional state and mood?!

Seasonal weather is important for our emotional state and our mood, because we act like it is.

A lot of people are saying that they feel better when it is a sunny out; at same time they can complain that it is not pleasant when the weather is not beautiful, when it is cold, windy, and dark.

I am writing about this because it seems like many of us feel affected by the weather-wise outlook of our day, without actually realizing what it really means.

I love all seasons, I must admit that sometimes I enjoy a particular one more. But I don’t have time to complain and not enjoy a sunny day, a rainy day, a day with snow, an autumn day, I enjoy everything that comes with the weather.

The same people who feel better when it is a sunny day, they feel less good when they see that it is raining, when the sky is cloudy.

I agree with the fact that when our eyes detect light, melatonin production subsides and serotonin, the happy chemical in our brains that puts us in a better mood and promotes wakefulness, takes over. Melatonin is instrumental in controlling sleep/wake cycles. Light has a huge impact on melatonin production. In the winter, you produce melatonin either later or earlier in the day than you would during the summer months. I also agree that Vitamin D is an important part of a healthy diet and lifestyle, and we can get Vitamin D from regular sun exposure.

However, the most important thing for me is that we are not solely biology, we are also one with the Universe, this great big ocean of energy which connects us all and where we all influence each other.

At the same time I am talking about the emotional importance that we give to these things. Emotional state becomes automatic, it is changing with the coming of cold weather. I is therefore important to remember and be aware, it is in our power to feel good.

The weather remains simply that: the weather , but people react emotionally as if it were something personal.

It can become so personal that you cannot enjoy your life. You may fool yourself thinking that the only way you can feel better  is in a good weather when it is sunny, everything is green and the smell of flowers  is everywhere.

After that what? What are you doing the rest of the time?

It is great to be enthusiastic waiting a beautiful day of spring or summer but don’t let this take you away from the rest of your days with less sun, you live your life during those days as well.

nd the good part is that everything depends on you and not on the weather. Make yourself dependent on yourself, watch your thoughts, make them up, take care of them. You are your thoughts.

You choose how to respond to what is around you. Learn to enjoy everything everywhere anywhere. You can fall in love anytime!

” The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one’s freedoms is to choose ones attitude in any given circumstance.” ~Viktor Frankl 

Enjoy your moment everyday! ~ Dana

Psychotherapy in a New Key

5 thoughts on “Seasonal weather and Emotions!

  1. Woah Daniela. This is actually an interesting post. I knew some things about seratonin. To be honest that only came from playing one of my favourtie apps called, “Fruit Ninja” 🙂 As for Melatonin I thought it had a negative impact, kind of like the opposite of seratonin. Based on your biological analysis it is safe to say that it plays a decent part on most people’s reaction towards the weather. If their plans for the day are not important, more often than not they may complain.

    I’ve come to see that theoretically, that’s true. The busy bees complain a lot about the weather more often than those who are not half as busy. Why do you think that is?


    1. I believe the busy bees are complaining more because also when the weather is not beautiful they have to go to work, they walk or drive when is not such a pleasure. And those who are not half as busy,if they want they will take a walk in the rain and take time for tea.
      How many times did you hear : Uhh, I want to stay in bad today, look how horrible is outside and I have to go at work!
      Being busy on a cold weather is not a comfortable feeling because most of the time people prefer to spend the day at home where its warm and nice.
      On the other side being busy when it is sunny out and people are working in a office (for example), this can be unpleasant. Instead, they can take a walk in the sun or spend more time out: relaxing, reading in a park or wearing something comfortable.
      In one word, the busy people don’t have time to contemplate, enjoy a cold, windy, sunny, dark, beautiful day in their one way and those who are not half as busy have time for almost everything, they have time to put space between things and to be happy.

      (If my grammatical part is not quite correct I will appreciate if you will tell me)


      1. At first I was not going to say anything but because you asked 🙂 I noticed you put the letter “a” in some of your sentences. All you have to do is remove it, and everything else is good!

        For example here: …if they want they will take a walk in the rain and take time for (a) tea.
        And here: when the weather is not beautiful they have to go at (here you use “to”) work, they walk (a) or drive.

        “Take a walk in the sun or *spending (you just have to say “spend”) more time out.”

        You made some really good points here. Fortunately I fall under the those who are not half as busy. That just makes things much more fun. After all I’ve come to understand that there is no point in complaining. If it did us any good then i would do it. Might as well make the most of the day and do what I can to fit with it. I do owe to myself to have a good day. I have to admit, it does suck having to walk or drive to work in scorching heat. Personally I love the cold weather.

        Which one is your favorite?


      2. Thank you T-Sizzles. I appreciate your help and feedback and I updated my comment. Thank you again.
        And my favourite weather is on springtime and autumn time, I also enjoy the winter and summer. 

        Yes as you said, is no point in complaining. When I wrote the previous letter, I’ve made a point of view, another point of view is that some people love to complain and they will find a reason for complaining in everything, special in things that has to do with weather.
        You see, for someone who complain is so unnatural not to.
        People gets negatively strokes, if they cannot ask or receive for positive strokes, and it’s the same thing if they get something.
        The brain get his energy from negative thoughts and for the brain it’s a pleasure, getting negatively strokes becomes a routine and it is like a addiction – I need more – more things that I can complain about – and this will make me feel good; the person don’t realize that everything he does is for his own pleasure, acting negatively, in this case. When something nice or beautiful happens, probably that person will think : Yes, but – because/it won’t last…!
        Deep inside could be a message : You don’t deserve anything that will make you happy! … and more.
        What do you think?
        I could be right, I could be wrong, but I know that things are not as complicated as we made them to be. 

        (You are welcome if you want to correct me in spelling)


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