
The Journal of Silas

“Life” expresses itself as it chooses.
As a man. As a plant. As a beast.
As men. As forests. As packs, herds and flocks.
“Life” is just as much the flock as it is the bird.
“Life” is just as much the forest as it is the tree.
“Life” is just as much the city as it is the man.

Man likes to see collectives as the sum of parts,
That Man is the primary unit.
But this is just a bias of perspective.
He wants to think his bodily corpuscles are his servants.
That the city is nothing but a collection of individual men.
Man wants to believe he is at the centre of things.

But “Life” makes no such distinction and has no such preference.
“Life” dances it’s dance with equal verve at every level and with every form.
As “Life” forms pattern and structure from its parts…

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